Sharing Christ with All Ages
From toddlers to high schoolers, we have something for everyone!
At Faith Community Church we believe that parents are the most important spiritual leaders for their children. We are simply here to help supplement that leading. We have the following available ministries for your Preschooler through 12th grade child.

Pre-school - 6th Grade Classes:
8:45 AM – Sunday School for all ages
10:00 AM – Preschool Kids’ Church & Kids’ Church (Meets during Sunday morning service after worship. Families stay together on the 1st Sunday so that our Pastors may pray over the kids during communion.)
Every Other Wednesday Night of the month
(September – May):
5:45 PM – Faith Family Meal (All families involved in Wednesday night activities are invited to eat together here at the church.)
6:30 PM – 7:45 PM – Faith Club for Preschool through 6th grade.

Youth Programs:
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM - Two Sunday school classes; one for 7-8th grade and one for 9-12th grade.
5:30 PM-7:30 PM, Sunday Nights - Students from all over the area gather together for supper, games, small group, worship, and a relevant message from the Bible (God’s Word)! IGNITE is a place where students can come to deepen, strengthen, challenge, renew, or begin their relationship with Jesus Christ. We are a loving and compassionate environment where the Gospel is not only preached, but lived out! (7 -12th grade)
Foundations for Faith:
6:30 PM, Wednesday Nights - Taught by four gifted teachers, Foundations for Faith is a two-year course.. Students are led through the entire Bible for a strengthening of their faith foundation and personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. (7th & 8th grade)
(supper is provided every week between 5:45 PM – 6:30 PM)
Bible Study:
6:30 PM, Wednesday Nights - During the school year, Mike Ayers and Tracy Thurm lead a Bible Study & Coffee Hour for high school students in Room 19. About (20-25) students gather together to dig deeper into God’s Word. Students are challenged with engaging topics designed to help them apply the Word into their lives each and every day. (9th - 12th grade)
(supper is provided every week between 5:45 PM – 6:30 PM)