Sunday School
Join us from 8:45-9:45 Sunday mornings between Labor Day and Memorial Day for Sunday School! Classes are available for those preschool age through adults, with excellent nursery care available for the youngest little ones. Our elementary students use curriculum from Answers In Genesis while our middle and high school classes dive deep into different books of the Bible or applicable topics. There are a variety of adult Sunday School classes offered as well. They include Financial Peace, a class that tracks with our weekly Bible Reading, and a class for those in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. For more information about which classes are being offered at this time, please reach out to the church office
Inspire seeks to do exactly what its name suggests: Inspire Women! We would love to have you join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m., September through April to be encouraged and grow relationships with other ladies. This year we will be walking through the book “Wise Women Choose Friends Carefully” by Lydia Brownback. For more information, please connect with Donna Seehusen
moMENtum is our men’s group. It seeks to equip men to lead godly lives, lead their families well, and encourage one another along the way. We meet for pizza the 3rd Thursday of each month at the church and meet for Bible study on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m., September through April. For more information, reach out to Pastor Dave